
Encryption, Privacy & Free Speech: An April Recap

Originally a ban on smartphone encryption was tinkered with until it became a requirement for encryption backdoors.
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As part of our funding campaign for our coverage of encryption, we reached out to some companies that care about these issues to ask them to show their support. Today, we’re taking a look back at a series of four posts sponsored by Golden Frog, a company dedicated to online privacy, security and freedom.
Read more: https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20160504/08312734344/encryption-privacy-free-speech-april-recap.shtml
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Switzerland protected your money — now it’ll protect your data

Switzerland is positioning itself as the best country for data privacy.lock-89027_640
Swiss Alps, Swiss banks … Swiss privacy?
With rising international concern about data privacy, Switzerland is positioning itself as the best country for data privacy. There are several strong arguments in favor of it: The Swiss constitution and laws are on your side, for one thing.Read more: http://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/switzerland-data-security/


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Privacy and security: Is there a difference?

Privacy and security may have some things in common, but are actually quite different concepts.
Privacy and security: Is there a difference?
It is easy to get the two terms confused – and in most conversations, we end up talking about them as if they were the same thing. Privacy and security may have some things in common, but are actually quite different concepts. Security can best be thought of a form of defence. Privacy is more about control and the freedom to make decisions about what you want to reveal.
Read more: http://www.itproportal.com/2016/04/21/privacy-and-security-is-there-a-difference/
Posted by Dont Mine on Me

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Brussels terror attacks: Why ramping up online surveillance isn’t the answer

Suspicion is infectious.
When misappropriated and misdirected, suspicion becomes racism and prejudice.

ISIL is not only fighting a cultural war; it’s fighting a media war. For that reason maybe we should stop talking about it as though it were a “real” war. As though there were valiant warriors on both sides. As though those responsible for the Brussels bombings are anything more than murderers, plain and simple.
Read more: http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/04/brussels-terror-attacks-surveillance-isnt-the-answer/
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How to take back your privacy on Facebook

Here are 5 simple ways to protect your privacy!!
Facebook illustration
With more of our lives going online, and especially on Facebook, it’s more important than ever to have control over who sees what.
Facebook has made several changes to its privacy settings over its lifetime, so it’s worth checking up to see if you’re still only giving the people you want your private information and photos.
Read more: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2016/03/18/five-tricks-to-take-back-your-privacy-on-facebook/
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Apple-FBI battle is over but Silicon Valley is still preparing for the privacy war

The FBI revealed it might have a workaround provided by an unnamed third-party.
This wasn’t the way the fight between Apple and the FBI was supposed to end.
This was supposed to be big: the biggest case Silicon Valley has ever seen. Alliances were formed. Legal briefs were filed. The entire technology industry put aside their fierce rivalries to back Apple in a very public and very controversial fight with the U.S. government, defending the need for strong privacy and encryption even in the face of national security concerns.
Read more: http://evap.mashable.com/2016/03/25/apple-fbi-battle-silicon-valley/#pwOlrcR.skqy
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House Lawmaker Wants to Make it Illegal to Buy a Burner Phone Without ID

The bill will require anyone purchasing a “pre-paid mobile device or SIM card” to provide name, address and date of birth.
House Lawmaker Wants to Make it Illegal to Buy a Burner Phone Without ID
House Representative Jackie Speier (D-San Francisco/San Mateo) has put forward a bill that will require retailers to ask for identification from anyone buying a prepaid cellphone.
The bill, called Closing the Pre-Paid Mobile Device Security Gap Act of 2016, is designed to “close one of the most significant gaps in our ability to track and prevent acts of terror, drug trafficking, and modern-day slavery,” according to Speier.
Read more: http://gizmodo.com/house-lawmaker-want-to-require-personal-information-to-1767368371
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Hackers breach web security company used by the KKK, leak sensitive customer data

One of the firm’s clients is the Klu Klux Klan; according to Forbes, data from the Klan’s domain and “related sites” was found in the data dump. It appears that the KKK’s site is still down following the breach!
ddos, data breach, hackers, hack, staminus, kkk, fta
It’s pretty embarrassing for any company to get hacked, but it’s even worse when the organization suffering the attack is a web security firm. This was the situation faced by Newport Beach, California-based Staminus Communications recently when the hosting and distributed denial-of-service protection company was the victim of a giant hack.
Read more: http://www.techspot.com/news/64091-hackers-breach-web-security-company-used-kkk-leak.html
Posted by Dont Mine on Me

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How Cops Could Wiretap Encrypted iMessage and WhatsApp Chats

Apple’s troubles with the Department of Justice may be about to double. And Facebook may soon also be sucked into the fight with the U.S. government over how much encryption is too much!

Apple’s troubles with the Department of Justice may be about to double. And Facebook may soon also be sucked into the fight with the U.S. government over how much encryption is too much.
Apple is in a legal dispute with the Justice Department over its claim that the system that encrypts data stored on an iPhone unreasonably impedes law enforcement.
Read more: https://www.technologyreview.com/s/601039/how-cops-could-wiretap-encrypted-imessage-and-whatsapp-chats/
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Privacy groups want rules for how ISPs can track their customers

Some ISPs are deploying “invasive and ubiquitous” tracking practices as a way to deliver targeted advertising to customers!

Some Internet service providers are building powerful tools to track customers, and the U.S. Federal Communications Commission needs to step in, privacy advocates say.
Some privacy advocates are calling on the FCC to create new regulations that limit how ISPs can track their customers across the Internet. The agency could release a proposal for ISP privacy rules as soon as this month, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler said last week.
Read more: http://www.pcworld.com/article/3041869/privacy-groups-want-rules-for-how-isps-can-track-their-customers.html
Posted by Dont Mine on Me

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