
The Best Way to Protect Students’ Personal Data

The first line of defense in protecting student privacy are our teachers.
children laptop.
Gearing up for their district’s password-reset day in October, teachers and school administrators in Raytown, Missouri, watched a spoof video “gym” tour by their tech-support staff, who offered tips for stronger passwords amid “laptop lunges” and “cross-tech” training.
Read more: http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/future_tense/2017/01/how_to_protect_students_personal_data.html
Posted by Dont Mine on Me

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Browser history and location can change what you pay online

You could be paying more at checkout!
paymoreShopping online could make you a victim of price discrimination. Companies can use data like your past searches or location to influence the price you pay. Anna Werner reports on how that could mean paying more at checkout.
Read more: http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/browser-history-and-location-can-change-what-you-pay-online/
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Facebook is buying data about users’ offline lives

You may not be aware of is that Facebook also works with several data brokers to gather information about users’ “offline life”.
facebook, advertising

The company collects data on your income level, shopping history and more. …what you may not be aware of is that the company also work with several data brokers to gather information about users’ offline life. This can include things like places that you frequent, how much money you make and the number of credit cards you have.
Read more: http://www.techspot.com/news/67588-facebook-buying-data-about-users-offline-lives.html
Posted by Dont Mine on Me

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Tumblr is hacked AGAIN: Cyber criminals take down the site in Europe and US in online attack ‘just for fun’

65 million passwords were lost in a 2013 breach of the site’s security!tumblr

The popular blogging website Tumblr was reportedly taken down by hackers for two hours last night.A group of hackers known as R.I.U. Star Patrol have since claimed that they are responsible.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4057780/Tumblr-hacked-Cyber-criminals-site-Europe-online-attack-just-fun.html
Posted by Dont Mine on Me

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Hackers stole personal data from 1 billion Yahoo user accounts

Yahoo says it believes hackers stole personal data from more than one billion user accounts in a cyberattack that happened in 2013!
Yahoo mail logo with passwords

Yahoo says it believes hackers stole personal data from more than one billion user accounts in a cyberattack that happened in 2013.

The technology giant says the data affected included “names, email addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth, hashed passwords”, as well as security questions and answers, but it claims financial information such as card details was not compromised.

Read more: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2116392-hackers-stole-personal-data-from-1-billion-yahoo-user-accounts/

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Company Behind “Smart” Vibrator To Settle Claims It Violated Users’ Privacy

Customers claim, that they would not have purchased “the vibrator” had they known their actions would be monitored, collected, and transmitted.


From phones to children’s toys and speakers, just about everything can become a “smart” device today. Even vibrators. And just like all of the other devices, sex toys can also violate your privacy. That’s the crux of a soon-to-be settled lawsuit.
Read more: https://consumerist.com/2016/12/08/company-behind-smart-vibrator-to-settle-claims-it-violated-users-privacy/
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Personal data of 130,000 US Navy sailors exposed by compromised laptop

The Navy has acknowledged the breach was the result of hackers gaining access to the laptop of an employee working for the Navy contractor Hewlett-Packard Enterprise (HPE)!

A laptop belonging to an employee of Hewlett-Packard Enterprise has been compromised by hackers exposing the sensitive information of 130,000 US Navy sailors.
Read more: http://www.itproportal.com/news/personal-data-of-130000-us-navy-sailors-exposed-by-compromised-laptop/

Posted by DontMineonMe

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How private is your iPhone data, and how to protect your privacy

How private is your iPhone, and the personal data stored on it? We examine the iPhone’s built-in privacy measures, explain how to protect your iPhone privacy, and argue that Apple is more deserving of your trust – and your data – than Google.

The biggest political battle of the second half of the 2010s may well be privacy.  Most of all this battle will be fought in the realm of technology, where corporate behemoths Apple and Google represent (at least in the mind of the average tech user) opposite ends of the spectrum.
Read more: http://www.macworld.co.uk/news/iphone/private-iphone-data-apple-fbi-backdoor-hack-privacy-google-hacker-3635262/

Posted by Dont Mine on Me

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Productivity Commission warns consumers do not own their data, but calls for mandatory access

The Productivity Commission is calling for the legal right for people to be able to access their own information
Fingers type on a computer keyboard

Consumers are being warned they do not own the private data that governments and private companies hold about them, but the Productivity Commission is calling for the legal right for people to be able to access their own information.
Read more: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-11-03/consumer-access-to-private-data-should-be-guaranteed/7991728
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Sweden bans cameras on drones, deeming it illegal surveillance

Sweden’s move is in marked contrast to many other parts of the world!
Sweden last week banned the use of camera drones without a special permit, infuriating hobby flyers and an industry group but likely pleasing privacy campaigners.
Drone pilots will now have to show that there’s a legitimate benefit that outweighs the public’s right to privacy – and there are no exemptions for journalists, nor any guarantee that a license will be granted.
Read more: https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2016/10/27/sweden-bans-cameras-on-drones-deeming-it-illegal-surveillance/
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