Happy New Year.
Let’s make 2014 the year we bring back Privacy!
edward snowden privacy

I firmly believe that 2014 is going to be a marquee year in technology. I’m looking forward to things like the iPhone 6, Apple iWatch, Google Glass going on sale to the general public, the Surface Watch, the maturation of the Xbox One and Playstation 4, the spread of gigabit Internet, the next versions of iOS, OS X, Windows, Android, and Windows Phone…and that’s not even everything.

The thing is, though, even though I am ridiculously excited about all of this, the fact is that there is one thing that I really hope makes it to the forefront of people’s attention this year: privacy. I’m not talking about things like Facebook privacy settings or whether you should set your Twitter account to public or private–I’m talking about our government rampantly spying on its citizens just because, well…they can.
Read more: http://www.gearlive.com/news/article/big-2014-wish-for-the-tech-sector-q413/
Posted by DontMineonMe