Join us for a joint PDEC and Customer Commons salon dinner April 6th, Monday night, 6-9pm in Mountain View. This is the night before IIW’s, and at the end of the VRM day, where we will have an opportunity to talk about Banking, Credit and Personal Data with LaVonne Reimer. Sign up at Eventbrite for the Salon Dinner.

About LaVonne: She is a lawyer-turned-entrepreneur with over 15 years experience deploying technologies in markets with data privacy and regulatory sensitivities. Most recently, she engaged an expert user community to streamline ethical data-sharing practices in the commercial credit ecosystem.

Also, join us for VRM day here, on April 6, 9-5pm, Computer History Museum. Sign ups at Eventbrite.

For dinner, the PDEC / Customer Commons Salon, is 6-9pm at Fu Lam Mum in Mountain View.

NOTE:  Those who want to arrive earlier thank 6pm for socializing, please do, and we have a no host bar at Fu Lam Mum. For those coming at 6pm, we’ll start dinner about 6:30pm and for those just coming for discussion that will start about 7:30pm. However discussion people are welcome earlier for socializing too.

Sign up at Eventbrite for the Salon Dinner.