
This is where Customer Commons hosts first party terms individuals can proffer in dealing with sites and services. (Earlier work at ProjectVRM called these EmanciTerms.)

These terms should be as standard and off-the-shelf as personal copyright licenses already are at Creative Commons (after which Customer Commons is gratefully modeled). Here is a list of Creative Commons licenses.

Browsers and apps can proffer terms by linking to them. Sites and services can agree to those terms automatically through their CRM, CX, or other systems for engaging individuals. Agreements can be recorded by both sides in ways that can be tracked and audited by both as well. (For an example of such a system, see JLINC Labs and JLINC.org.)

One possible candidate is P2B1(beta), aka #NoStalking.

In summary form, it tells sites, “don’t track me off your site, and don’t let others track me on your site or anywhere else.” For readers wishing to help keep ad-supported sites alive, it says, “Just show me ads not based on tracking me.” The first publisher committed to accepting this term is Linux Journal, which it explains here.

The larger purpose of this term is to bring the marketplace into compliance with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other regulations. And we expect it will.